After being out of the office most of last week, my desk was a mess! Mail to go through, unfinished projects to wrap up, potential projects waiting to be researched, the list goes on and on. But here we are late in the afternoon and I have seen my desktop again. Doesn't it feel good to get things back in order after the chaos?
Speaking of chaos, is your life in chaos today? I know some people like to live in chaos. They enjoy the ride, it's like an addiction. The more chaos, the higher the high. The problem with chaos is there's never any peace. When we let the Bible become our guideline for decisions, chaos begins to dissappear. When Jesus becomes the center of our lives, chaos dissappears. When God is our source, chaos dissappears.
Peace replaces the "joy ride", and though the chaos was fun for a short time, peace offers stability and will stay with us no matter if we have a messy desk or not! Go after peace, give up the chaos, and find a new normal! I dare you...
You can see your desk? Congrats my friend I know what an accomplishments this is! As for me I am living in peace not chaos...no matter what anybody else says! God is so faithful to bring peace to our chaos when we allow Him to. I really like that about Him!
Seeing your desk is overated!! It looks like you have nothing to do and you are therefore expendable!!
Now, my desk, looks like I have 100 projects going, or it might look like I don't get anything done... hmmmm.
Oh! There is a desk under all this paper?
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