Wednesday, March 4

Biggest Loser Wannabe

My quest for being the Biggest Loser may have ended, but my desire to be healthier has not!

While preparing my video for the audition I had to do some soul searching and I discovered some things about myself. I have always said I was okay with being overweight, it wasn't a big deal to me. Well that was hogwash. The first time I had to put my weight and height down for someone to see, I was NOT okay with it. :-0 That was a very humbling experience. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out I'm overweight, but actually telling my exact weight...well no one needs to know that!!!

So I have set a long term goal of losing 190 pds. That will put me at 125 pds and in a size 8. I have 2 short term goals---1) don't vary from the workout schedule for 21 days 2) get below 300 pds. Yes, if you do the math you'll know my starting weight!! ;-)

My main push for losing weight is simple math!! By monitoring my caloric intake and then monitoring how many calories I'm burning during my workout, I can make sure that I'm burning more than I'm eating, thus I will lose weight. This is an avenue I have never tried before, but it's been working so far, and seeing all those calories burned during workout has been a huge motivator!!

So, I may not be a television superstar, but I will be a Biggest Loser. I can't wait to achieve my first goal!!!!!