Tuesday, June 9

That was scary!!

Have I ever mentioned I HATE tornado season?? Have I ever mentioned I HATE it even more when my husband is out of town and I'm at home alone with the children and the tornado sirens go off???

Yes, well that was my life tonight. I wasn't even watching the weather. Didn't even have a clue bad weather was coming. We were shutting things down getting ready for bed...all of the sudden we hear the tornado siren. Boy did we jump into action. I will say we all know what the plan is and that's a good thing! :-)

We checked the computer and discovered there were several cells to be concerned about. It wasn't pretty for about 45 mins. One cell would dissipate and another would pop up. Quite frankly it made me a little nervous when they were all heading straight for Welch. I try to remain calm in these situations, but you can always tell I'm a little tense!!

But,an hour and half later, all is well. I thank God, literally, for He is the creator of all things, I thank Him for sparing our town once again from a mighty display of His creation. Natural disasters always make me ponder the idea of the power of God. If a tornado can wipe out a home or even a community, how much more is the power of the One True God? How much greater is His love for us? He is truly an amazing God.

Thank you God for sparing our home...our community.