Monday, June 29

Fireworks Tent

It's time for fireworks tent again!! If you were following me last year you might remember the post where our tent almost blew away, rescued by myself and Christina (our associate pastors wife). My one lesson from that?? Grab the cash registers and credit card machine, then go inside!! The rest can blow away without me or my help!! I can guarantee you I won't hold the tent up again during that kind of weather. That was a horrible experience. :)

But, on to this year.... I have made a mental decision that I'm going to kick back and enjoy this. Now, there's no doubt that a fireworks tent is a lot of hard work, but there's also no doubt that it can be tons of fun as well. So I have chosen to get my mind off the junk and on to the fun!! I'm even up earlier than usual today because of it!!

We do need your prayers though, the company we work with has given us an ultimatum. We have to sell $10,000 this year or they won't let us do it again. So if you live near Welch, get your fireworks from us!! If you live light years away, pray that God will supply the need. It's a great service to our community and we hate to lose the opportunity to help out.

Happy 4th of July!!

Friday, June 26

Revival with Don Couch

We just finished up two days with our evangelist Don Couch. We have two more to go. It has been good so far, we are all anticipating even more. I became acquainted with the Couches through working with our District Women's Department. Don's wife, Kay is quite the woman! She's beautiful, health conscious, detail oriented, and a servant at heart. Don is blessed to have such a woman of quality as his wife! Congratulations Don! Also congratulations to Don and Kay who have been married 35 years, they just celebrated an anniversary last week.

So, back to revival.... Last night Don specifically targeted about 4 or 5 people and gave them a word of prophecy. As a Pastor it was exciting to listen to his words, knowing the whole story of each person he was talking to. I am so anxious to see each prophecy fulfilled in each of their lives. :-) I eagerly await Saturday and Sunday to see what God is going to continue to do.

Until blessed!!

Sunday, June 21

Graduation and pics are here!

Camry's graduation from "Female Modeling 1319" is over. The ceremony was super short, but Camry was beautiful. Turns out there were only 2 girls who finished the classes, and it just doesn't take very long for two girls to do a little ramp routine. But regardless of the length of the program Camry was beautiful as always.

We also were able to pick up here pics from her second photo shoot. Here's a couple the agency director liked!

Friday, June 19

One Step Completed

Camry "graduates" from her modeling class tomorrow. We have invited family to view the presentation. It is a ramp show with two different outfits; dressy casual and after five. Camry is a little nervous...there's one particular swirling move that can make you look awesome if you do it correctly, or there's the potential of missing a beat and then you don't look so good :-/ !! Her instructors have also told her that clients sometimes come to graduations, so she's a little nervous about that too! Her grandma & grandpa are going to be there (with bells on I would imagine!); they will no doubt be busting their buttons while Camry is on the ramp.

This is the completion of step one of Modeling School, next will be the portion of the training that covers television and print ads. She's VERY excited about these classes. I'll be sure and post some pics of her graduation and let you know how it went!

Thursday, June 11

Happy Anniversary

Happy Anniversary to us!! Patrick and I have been married 21 years today. I've always said, if I could pick a spot on the time line to start my life over, I'd start the day I got married. It has been a fabulous 21 years. Patrick you're the joy of my life. I thank God for providing me with the best of the best!

Today I am reminded how blessed and highly favored I am!!
I love you Patrick...

Wednesday, June 10

Upcoming photo shoot

I'm excited for my second daughter Camry, she's preparing for her second photo shoot this coming Saturday. This one is to have 2 looks, classic and high fashion. Classic is easy. Camry does that every day of the weak. Classy and timeless comes natural for her. Edgy and high fashion a little more difficult. We've spent some time preparing for this shoot. It's been fun buying things that Camry wouldn't normally wear. Mixing colors and styles that are very much on the edge for my classy young lady.

So Saturday we'll see a mix of purple, black, and yellow, with hats and scarfs and blingage. I can't wait to see how they turn how. She's really excited and working hard to be prepared as she can be. If the shoot goes well, these pics will be added to her portfolio for landing paid jobs.

It will be fun, I'm looking forward to it!!

Tuesday, June 9

That was scary!!

Have I ever mentioned I HATE tornado season?? Have I ever mentioned I HATE it even more when my husband is out of town and I'm at home alone with the children and the tornado sirens go off???

Yes, well that was my life tonight. I wasn't even watching the weather. Didn't even have a clue bad weather was coming. We were shutting things down getting ready for bed...all of the sudden we hear the tornado siren. Boy did we jump into action. I will say we all know what the plan is and that's a good thing! :-)

We checked the computer and discovered there were several cells to be concerned about. It wasn't pretty for about 45 mins. One cell would dissipate and another would pop up. Quite frankly it made me a little nervous when they were all heading straight for Welch. I try to remain calm in these situations, but you can always tell I'm a little tense!!

But,an hour and half later, all is well. I thank God, literally, for He is the creator of all things, I thank Him for sparing our town once again from a mighty display of His creation. Natural disasters always make me ponder the idea of the power of God. If a tornado can wipe out a home or even a community, how much more is the power of the One True God? How much greater is His love for us? He is truly an amazing God.

Thank you God for sparing our home...our community.

Monday, June 8

More about exercise

I recently took a road trip to western Colorado and discovered that 10 pounds weighs more in Colorado than it does in Oklahoma! Now logic tells me that facts are facts and 10 pounds is 10 pounds. But reality tells me that it was much harder to work out in Colorado than it was in Oklahoma. The ONLY explanation for this is that 10 pounds is heavier in Colorado. I know it has nothing to do with the higher elevation because that would mean I'm out of shape and that could certainly not be the case! lol!!

All this to say my cousin took me to her gym and I got to work out while I was gone. I was happy about that!! I expected to only get to walk some and it turned out I was able to do my full workout two of the three days I was there.

Life is good!!