Saturday, October 29

Laparoscopic Surgery

A week ago Friday I had a procedure done called laparoscopic "something or another"!!!  In my world they went inside and looked around to figure out where the pain was coming from!!  Whatever word they want to call it is fine with me.  :)

Turns out I had some scarring from one of my C-sections (I'm assuming my most recent one) that was causing me some problems.  He (the Doctor) cleaned it up and now all is well!!  Now as simple as that may seem, it turns out this procedure was a little more than what I thought it was going to be.

I had honestly downscaled this thing to a couple of little incisions, home by noon, carry on with your day.  I had even thought about going shopping afterward!  Well, that was a little bit of an underestimate, now, granted it wasn't as bad as a C-section, but it was definitely not as simple as I had made it out to be.

The big problem?  It wasn't the three little itty bitty incisions, it wasn't being "put under", and it wasn't all the stupid prep stuff you had to do before you could even arrive.  It was the "air" they used to "blow up your belly" to make sure there's plenty of room to do what they need to do.  Now they had told me about the whole air thing, and I was fine with it.  What's a little bit of air??  ..."You may have some pain in your right shoulder as your body works to get rid of the excess..." the doctor told me the day we discussed doing the procedure.  A little bit of pain? big, I have a high pain tolerance, I can handle it.  Well, again, this procedure that I had downscaled in my mind to no big deal ended up being a bigger deal that I had realized.

Mind you we're pastors and I have four children (two away and two at home).  I made the decision not to tell anyone I was having this procedure because I didn't want to explain all the details of why to every Tom, Dick and Harry in the country, and the church, and my home.  Coincidently, the two kids still at home were all gone the day of the procedure only making it even easier to not have to explain any details.  So, off we go to our 6:00 a.m. appointment, procedure at 7:30.  As I mentioned earlier, everything went fine, we were in fact in and out, Patrick and I left the hospital around 11:00 and we were home by noon.  This is when the reality started settling in.  Not only did I not feel like going shopping afterward, I was groggy, and felt like a stuffed pig.  My belly was tight, they put me on weight lifting restrictions, and submersion in water restrictions (kinda a problem for my water aerobics class) and, they sent me home on pain pills!!  Pain pills????  WHAT???

The IV bruise!! The nurse told me... "It's going to bruise
bad, it's already started..." that was after surgery when she
was getting ready to take the IV out.
I tried going without the pills.  Nope that didn't work.  I tried half doses.  Nope.  That didn't work either.  I finally ended up taking full doses for two days to help with the pain.  And again, it was the incisions, it was the air.  Remember that pain in my shoulder that I might have.  Well, there's no doubt, I had it.  And it hurt!!!

It's been a full week now and I did quit my pain pills after the 4th day, but had to continue with Tylenol pretty regularly.  Yesterday I only had two doses so I foresee being off even Tylenol in a day or two.  The pain from the air is almost completely gone; every now and then I still have a little twinge, but it's almost gone--Thank God! (literally)

So, to wrap it up, if your Dr. recommends laparoscopy just know that though it may be on the low end of the scale of surgeries, its still definitely on the scale!!!  Don't downplay it too much, if it was just an office procedure, you wouldn't be checking into the hospital.  Just sayin'....

I'm glad I did it.  The Dr. told Patrick I probably didn't even realize how much pain I was actually in because I had probably adjusted over the years (an important detail's been 11 1/2 years since my most recent C-section) and I am already recognizing some of the adjustments I have made through the years in these first days after the procedure.  It's actually pretty amazing how God designed our bodies.  I'm so thankful for the wisdom God has granted my Dr.  I'm really looking forward to being pain free!!

Monday, October 3

My Crazy Idea!!

I decided to go back to school this year!!!  On one hand, its a fabulous idea.  I need the accolade for my resume, so its a great idea to go back and finish what I started SOOOOO many years ago.  I only lost a few hours in the transition of a medical focus to a business focus, so overall, it was a great plan.

This is my instructor for my
History of the Nine Tribes.
She's standing next to a
mannequin of an Indian Chief.
Next, since I'm such a busy woman, I decided it was in my best interest to have all my classes on Tues, Thurs.  Good idea right???  Well, I'm not sure if it was a good idea or not!  Right now I have back to back classes, which means I leave at 8:30 and don't get home until 5:30, then if there's homework, I have only have Wednesday to get it done before Thursday arrives again.  I'm not so sure that was such a great idea.

Beyond that I hate being completely unavailable on Tues/Thurs.  I can't help anyone with anything on those days...that's driving me crazy!!!!  In a couple of weeks, my first 8 weeks class will end and my 2nd eight weeks class will start which will change me to having 1-3 on T/TH open and book me from 11-12:30 MWF.  Not sure I'm going to like that either, but were going to give it a whirl!!!'s nice to be back...I missed you all!! :)