Saturday, December 19


Today we had a pleasant suprise. I popped in at Camrys modeling agency to drop off headshots and comp cards and coincidentally a model by the name of Miles Miller happen to be there too! The end result was Camry got about 45 mins of one on one time with Miles.

Miles trained at the same place Camry did and has been in the industry for about 2 years (I think). He has done some cool jobs including british GQ. Miles was VERY genorous in allowing us some personal time with him. Camry got the opportunity to ask really specific questions, and get specific feedback. It was so very beneficial.

Miles was a picture of kindness and honesty.... Miles if you should ever happen to come across this post, please know how deep my gratitude runs. It was beyond kind of you to allow Camry the opportunity to meet with you. Thank you very much.

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Monday, December 14


Camry's event in Dallas went really well. She nailed everything she did. On Friday of that week it really hit me hard that my 16 year old was auditioning in front of agents from LA and New York. I spent some time thanking God for the opportunity he gave Camry and for his grace toward us.

The sad news is that we didn't come home with a contract (which is what our goal was) but it's not to say we won't get one, it just didn't happen while we were in Dallas.

So for now we will continue in our local market and continue to make contacts in the larger markets of Dallas and maybe Kansas City. It will give Camry time to graduate, and by the time she turns 18 she'll be well prepared.

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Sunday, December 13


My oldest daughter accidently transferred a virus on my computer from her flash drive. :( But I found an app for my iPhone to be able to blog. So this is my attempt to see if it works!

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