Monday, March 22

Spring is here!!!

Yea!! Spring is here. You'll never know just how happy I am that Spring has arrived. Of course that didn't mean the end of the snow since we got somewhere between 8-12" last Saturday and Sunday, but it does mean the snow is coming to an end.

Until this winter I hadn't realized how much I dislike snow! Oh, don't get me wrong, snow is a beautiful and marvelous wonder God has graced our life with...I just happen to prefer it small doses! This past winter held about four weeks of constant snow on the ground and admittedly it was ticking me off. We humans are so funny like that. I remember needing to give myself a serious lecture about my attitude. Imagine losing your happiness over a few weeks of snow. That was me. Griping and complaining about the wet, the cold, the rant...rant...rant. Hmmm, I remember a certain group of people who constantly griped and complained and they ended up walking a few extra years in the wilderness. Personally, I'm not focused on all that extracurricular stuff so I decided to change my 'tude lest I end up spending some extra time focused on my own walking skills!!

Speaking of walking focus on better health has not changed. But I am reluctant to report there has been little change. The last 6 months have been difficult for me mentally. I literally gave up for about four of those six. But I have recently started a health and fitness small group, and it's nice to be exercising again consistently. I am pleased that I missed it!!